More than just a dermatology practice.


By combining the 24 years of experience of Dr. Bartenstein and his team along with the capabilities of the Laser Institute  (Laser-MED) and the Kosmetikinstitut (KOS-MED), we are able to provide you with solutions for all your needs regarding skin and beauty.

The state-of-the-art Laser Institute facility has been designed to be warm and engaging while focusing on providing clients with the newest, most innovative procedures available to perfect skin. We use highly advanced equipment and specialize in procedures that require little or no downtime for the convenience of our clients.

Our practice is dedicated to combining medical science and cosmetic beauty to provide each client with customized treatments to meet their needs, from dermatology services to invasive cosmetic procedures, performed at our facilities. 



Our Core Values

How we shape our culture & define our character

  • Patient Welfare & Safety

  • Leadership in Treatments

  • Service Excellence

  • Compassion

  • Innovation

  • Integrity

24-Year-Old Practice

The only source of knowledge is experience

We have over two decades of helping patients feel and look better with their skin needs. Since we have seen it all and treated almost everything, you can be certain that we will use our knowledge to solve your skin issues and enhance your health.

Taking care of your skin needs.


Because our skin is constantly changing we can develop moles, pre-cancerous moles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea at any time. Fortunately, at Dr. Bartenstein, we treat all conditions of the skin, hair and nails using sophisticated and advanced medical technology. From topical creams to pharmaceuticals as well as lasers and surgery or any combination of these here within our website you’ll find some of the dermatologic conditions we treat.

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Recover your healthy & younger looking skin.


Lasers make it possible to perform high-precision, needle-free and often painless procedures to remove unwanted hair, wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, vascular lesions (for example birthmarks, moles, spider and varicose veins) and tattoos. Within our webpage you'll find an overview of the laser procedures we offer to give you healthier, younger-looking skin. 


Cutting-Edge Institute


By being equipped with the latest generation of laser technologies available on the market and having our staff continuously trained, we are certain to continue fulfilling our goal of providing  clients a natural and more youthful look.


Making a Difference


Laser Institute is a leader in local laser treatment and we are proud to say that most of our clients leave with an improved self-image and an overall feeling of satisfaction after they visit us.

Beauty begins with skin


Most skin damage is a result of accumulated sun exposure, toxins in the environment, an individual’s lifestyle, and the inevitable aging process. Damaged skin can appear very thick, deeply or mildly wrinkled, contain dark spots/blotches, have visible veins, or sag. Fortunately, there are many cosmetic dermatology treatments designed to both repair and improve the skin’s appearance 

At KOS-MED we help improve your skin by utilizing medical and cosmetic dermatology techniques and products to bring out each patient’s natural beauty. While we cannot halt the aging process, we strive to delay it so that our patients can age gracefully and can look their very best. 


Dr Stefan Bartenstein

Dr. Stefan Bartenstein ist Facharzt für Haut und Geschlechtskrankheiten. Nach Abschluss seines Studiums beendete er die Turnusausbildung zum praktischen Arzt, um danach die Fachausbildung auf der Universitätsklinik für Haut und Geschlechtskrankheiten in Graz zu absolvieren.

Während seiner Zeit als Klinikassistent auf der Hautklinik war Dr. Stefan Bartenstein jahrelang Leiter des dermatologischen OPs und Leiter der Venenambulanz. Neben seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Arzt für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten ist Dr. Stefan Bartenstein speziell ausgebildet in der Lasertherapie (LASER-MED) und weiters Leiter des medizinischen Kosmetikinstituts KOS-MED.



